The Acts Network explores different forms of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of those who are not yet part of any church. Each Acts Network community is contextual, which provides opportunities to build relationships with people we’d otherwise not know.

The world and culture are constantly shifting. Fewer people are attending church on a Sunday morning but the message of God’s love has not changed. Because of this, we have the obligation of asking how we best can connect with those who are far away from God and intentionally build communities and relationships for the sake of Christ.

Paying attention to how God has created you, what interests or social concerns are you passionate about that you could see a community developing around? This is a starting point for an Acts Network initiative:

1) Listen – Take the appropriate amount of time to listen. Pay attention to the context, to where there are needs in the community, to where people may be open to conversations and sharing life together.

2) Love and Serve – After listening well, love and serve in tangible ways. By loving and serving, we have an opportunity to have deeper relationships and build trust.

3) Build Community – As you love and serve, a community will start to form and life will be shared.

4) Explore Discipleship – From the community that has been formed, we look for ways to explore discipleship together. Discipleship is at the heart of every Acts Network group as we seek to have these communities know of a God who loves them.

5) Church Taking Shape – As a community starts to explore discipleship a church will start to take shape. As this happens, each group will implement elements of worship contextually.

6) Prayer – The entire journey is undergirded by prayer. Every step of the way we lift these efforts to God and seek wisdom and discernment about how to connect with those far from God.

The Acts Network offers opportunities to engage in new and innovative ways. By stepping out in faith and meeting people where they are, we cultivate environments and communities that allow us to share the Gospel with people we otherwise wouldn’t have been able to. Through these communities the transforming power of the Gospel molds and shapes both individuals lives as well as the whole community.

If you’re interested in having more conversation about how you can be a part of this endeavor, reach out to Mitch. You can also read more about this on The Acts Network blog.

Contact: Mitch Marcello, Director of Ministries


college students spread throughout a coffee shop praying while a speaker leads the time.

Through college ministry, we aim to support and form community for students during this formational part of their lives.