We celebrate Lent to remember the journey Jesus made leading to His sacrifice on the cross, and ultimately our salvation. In our Lenten sermon series, we will intentionally focus on studying and applying the spiritual disciplines to better connect with God.
We encourage everyone to engage in some spiritual discipline to draw closer to God during this season of preparation. Disciplines include meditation, prayer, solitude, confession, submission, worship, fasting, and sabbath rest.
Throughout history, Christians have practiced spiritual disciplines. Some are familiar, like prayer. And others may be unexpected, like simplicity. Some may not at first appeal to us, like submission.
This year during Lent, we will focus on exploring and cultivating six of the spiritual disciplines in our faith lives. Practices that help us become more like Jesus, and experience the abundant life that he offers.
As the weeks go on, we will be offering quarter-sheet sized cards with a brief reflection and action points you can do personally or with your family to connect with the discipline.
March 12 – April 16 | Wednesdays, 6:30 – 7:00 AM | (FEC) Sanctuary
Communion is a meal of remembrance and a holy sacrament represented through bread and drink (which is juice for us, to allow anyone to partake). Every Wednesday morning during Lent, from 6:30 – 7:00 AM in the Sanctuary, one of our pastors will host this time to participate in the spiritual disciplines of prayer and solitude, as most of our time will be spent in silence, and participate in the holy meal of communion.
Everyone is welcome to come and go as they need.
Imposition of Ashes | March 5, 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM | 604 Market St
One of our pastors will be present outside the Church Office door on Market Street to impose ashes before your workday begins.
Sanctuary Service | March 5, 6:00 PM | (FEC) Sanctuary — 604 Market St
Our Ash Wednesday service will hold time for reflection on our need for forgiveness through prayer, musical offerings, and the imposition of ashes.
The Nursery and sparkzone will NOT be available for this service.
April 13, 9:00 AM | (FEC) Sanctuary — 604 Market St
Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week, and commemorates the day when Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem on a donkey, defying expectations of the foretold Savior, as the citizens greeted Him with palm branches shouting, “Hosanna!”
Our children will be leading the service by parading with palms, sharing in prayer and Scripture, and in musical worship.
CHILDREN: The Nursery and sparkzone will be available at both the Traditional and Contemporary services.
April 17, 7:00 PM | (FEC) Sanctuary — 604 Market St
As Jesus knew his final days were upon Him he decided to spend it with his friends around the table, and in prayer. That will be the inspiration for our worship on this day as well. Our service will be split into two parts: first, a focus on The Lord’s Supper with a devotional and communion. Then, a focus on the Garden of Gethsemane with extended prayer time.
CHILDREN: The Nursery and sparkzone will NOT be available for this service.
April 18, 7:00 PM | (FEC) Sanctuary — 604 Market St
We will be reflecting on Jesus’ death during our Good Friday service, which will feature elements designed and led by our fuse youth. This is a solemn worship experience where we leave in silence and darkness.
CHILDREN: The Nursery Room will be open for parents who need to utilize this space for their children ages 0-3, but it will not be staffed. There will be no sparkzone.
We invite you to join us as we celebrate the good news of the risen Christ! Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is a simple, yet powerful event in Christianity. His death bridged the gap between people and God. Death does not have the final say; we have the gift of eternal life!
April 20, 6:30 AM | Grampian Hills Cross, 299 Reservoir Rd, Williamsport
Rejoice in the good news of the resurrection as the sun rises to greet the day. This service will involve a brief message on the empty tomb, contemplation, prayer, and time for reflection.
Be sure to dress appropriately and bring a chair if you need one.
CHILDREN: The Nursery and sparkzone will NOT be available for this service. There will be children’s bags available.
April 20, 8:00 AM & 9:30 AM | (FEC) Sanctuary — 604 Market St
Rejoice in the good news of the resurrection as the sun illuminates Jesus’ life featured on the stained glass windows in our Sanctuary. The choir will lead celebratory hymns of the season.
The 8 AM and 9:30 AM services are identical.
LIVE-STREAM: The 9:30 AM Easter Service will be live-streamed. When you log onto the website, there will be a chatbox to the right of the video. We invite you to write in your name in the chatbox so you can interact with others. You’ll see an online host greeting folks and providing helpful links throughout the service for things like the connection card, upcoming events, and giving.
- 8:00 AM: The Nursery and sparkzone will NOT be available, but worship bags will be available to pick up for your child(ren) as you enter the service.
- 9:30 AM: The Nursery will be available for children 0 – 3 for this time. There will NOT be sparkzone, but worship bags will be available to pick up for your child(ren) as you enter the service.
April 20, 11:00 AM | (CLC) Stryker Hall — 601 Market St
Rejoice in the good news of the resurrection with a worship band leading songs you typically may hear on the radio. This service will involve a brief message on the hope we have, prayer, and giving.
CHILDREN: The Nursery and sparkzone will NOT be available, but worship bags will be available to pick up for your child(ren) as you enter the service.