JANUARY 28, 2025
We Want To Hear From You
In January of 2023, First Church voted to disaffiliate from the United Methodist denomination, and made the collective decision to take whatever time was needed to prayerfully discern when and if it would affiliate with a new denomination or network. This commitment included exploring other existing denominations and networks to affiliate with at a later time.
Over the last number of months, the question of, “What’s next?” has risen, alongside the desire for clarity in knowing exactly what we’ll do next. In response to those questions, and to actively continue our affiliation journey, we are taking the beginning steps to officially discern our way forward to potential affiliation with a new partner. To be clear, there are no strict deadlines in this process, however, we want to be diligent in what we committed to do.
It is impossible to move forward without hearing feedback from the congregation. Therefore, we want you to be aware of the opportunities for your voice to be heard in this affiliation journey:
- E-mail Survey: There will be a survey emailed out in early February to all church members, with questions that indicate what is most important to you regarding affiliation.You will need to be a church member to fill out the survey.
- Listening Sessions: There will be two listening sessions held for anyone connected to First Church to listen, ask questions, and offer other comments. These listening sessions will be on Sunday, February 16, and Sunday, March 9, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM in the Sanctuary of the First Evangelical Center. While you are welcome to come to both sessions, each session will be identical in structure, so you only need to come to one session in order to receive the same presented content. You do not need to be a church member to attend.
You are an important part of First Church. All are invited to attend, but please note that those who are not formal members will not be able to vote on any issues requiring a vote.
JUNE 13, 2023
Disaffiliation is complete
On Monday, June 12, Shelly Dincher traveled to the Susquehanna Conference Center in Mechanicsburg to sign the settlement agreement on behalf of the congregation for the disaffiliation of First Church from the United Methodist Church. This was the last step in the disaffiliation process and so as of June 12 we are no longer a United Methodist Congregation. Our name is now “First Church – Williamsport,” a name that has been used for a number of years and is familiar to our community. Since we have not yet chosen to affiliate with another denomination, we are an independent church, for at least a season. We remain in prayerful discernment about who our next denominational partner will be and as the Lord opens possibilities we will be sure to communicate them with you in a timely manner.
At the same time as the official disaffiliation paperwork was completed for First Church, Pastor Matt and Pastor Janet both officially withdrew from the Susquehanna Conference. They are pastors of First Church and are no longer appointed United Methodist pastors.
While the last 6 months have brought significant change from an administrative perspective, our mission to see Transformation in Christ has remained the same. Thank you for the ways in which you have displayed a spirit of unity even with others who think differently from you. Thank you for your patience and grace as we have sought to trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). And thank you for your prayers. First Church has remained strong throughout the disaffiliation process and we are convinced that has been a result of the faithful prayers of so many people.
We do not expect to send out any “Moving Forward” updates over the summer unless something unusual or unexpected arises. The next step will be to consider possible affiliation partners, but we cannot yet provide you with adequate information about that. However, as mentioned, when we have information to share with you, we will communicate through additional “Moving Forward” email updates.
Please continue to join us in prayer as we seek the Lord’s leading.
MAY 18, 2023
Disaffiliation has been ratified by Annual Conference
Last evening, the delegates of the Susquehanna Annual Conference met at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport and with strong support ratified the disaffiliation of First Church as a United Methodist Congregation. Thus, our disaffiliation is now final. The paperwork for the disaffiliation will be completed before July 1.
There were 141 churches (out of about 800 churches) in the conference who disaffiliated. Your lay delegates to Annual Conference this year were John and Sue Best. Pastors Matt and Janet were also voting clergy delegates.
Thank you for your prayers over the last 5 months as we have navigated the disaffiliation process. While there have been challenges, we are grateful for the many ways that God has provided for First Church during this season of significant change. We will continue to provide updates to you as new affiliation opportunities become clear. There will be opportunities for your voice to be heard as decisions about the future of First Church will need to be made. For now, we continue in a season of discernment as we prayerfully explore God’s next step for us as a congregation. Currently, we do not have a timetable for when those decisions may be made. Given the magnitude of these decisions and the nature of summer schedules, we do not expect any congregational gatherings in the near future, but when we have updates, we will communicate those to you. Please continue to pray that we will “trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)
MAY 16, 2023
Praying for Annual Conference
APRIL 25, 2023
When we began to consider what the future might look like for First Church after disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church, we recognized that we could choose to affiliate with a different denomination, or we could choose to be an independent church. Back in January, we didn’t know how long it would take to evaluate potential affiliation partners. As information has been gathered and we have begun to better understand our new reality, the sense of urgency in making a decision about our future course has significantly diminished. We have heard from many of you to please proceed carefully and slowly–and because there are many remaining affiliation questions, we do not feel that we are ready to consider re-affiliation at this point. We don’t know what direction you will want to take, but we do know that we will not be ready to make a decision in the near future (meaning at least the remainder of 2023). Thus, for the short-term, following separation from the United Methodist Church, we will function as an independent church. This is only for now as we continue in our discernment process. We want to be clear and transparent with you about steps that are being taken and are anticipated for the future. Thus, this email is intended to share with you what a season of independence will mean for First Church.
What will I notice is different when we become an independent church? The words “United Methodist” will be removed from our exterior signage. But other than that, there will be very few changes you will notice.
What will our church name be? Our name will be “First Church – Williamsport.” This is a name that is familiar to both the congregation and our community because we have been known by this name for many years. We don’t think that the change in name will cause any confusion.
Will we have our own 501(c)(3)? Yes. A 501(c)(3) is a status provided to non-profit organizations that allows contributions to be tax deductible. Thus, your giving to First Church will continue to be tax-deductible.
What will our governance be like as we discern our future? We do not anticipate changing our governance structure. Our Lead Council will continue to function as it has always functioned. First Church has always been quite self-sufficient and this is a blessing as we anticipate a season of being independent.
Do we expect to remain independent long-term? This decision will be made by the congregation. While independence is our short-term reality, it will be one of the options from which the congregation may choose for our long-term future. There are both pros and cons to being part of a denomination and the same is true about being independent. When there is sufficient clarity about options before First Church, we will schedule congregational meetings so that this information can be shared, your questions can be answered, and your perspective can be heard.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about how First Church is moving through this process, please be in touch with a member of the Lead Council.
APRIL 11, 2023
As you are aware, First Church continues to explore options for moving forward now that we have voted to disaffiliate from the current United Methodist Church (UMC). The primary options for moving forward include joining another denomination, joining a network, or remaining independent. The last issue of “Moving Forward” reviewed some of the denominational partners we are exploring. In this issue, we want to give you more information about possible network affiliations.
How are networks different from denominations? Denominations tend to be more established and more structured. Many denominations define their structure and theological beliefs in a “Book of Discipline.” They usually require a greater level of investment and commitment from the local church, but they also often offer more resources. Networks tend to be smaller, more relational, and nimbler. Because networks can include church partners from a variety of denominations, networks may be ecumenical and thus more diverse.
What would it mean for First Church to be affiliated with a network? Since networks are currently emerging as alternatives to denominations and are still being formed, there are a lot of unknowns about what it would mean to be part of a network. However, joining a network would almost certainly be less of a commitment for First Church. It would likely cost less and would be less “permanent.” Churches rarely leave denominations, but networks are more flexible. Networks have annual costs, but they do not have shares of ministry or trust clauses related to property ownership. However, networks also offer little to no assistance with finding pastoral leadership. Because networks do not typically address the organizational structure of a church, if we choose to join a network rather than a denomination, we will likely use denominational resources like the “Book of Discipline” to provide operational guidelines. The primary benefits of being a part of a network are the relationships that could be developed with churches and leaders that share our values and the opportunity to collaborate on ministry initiatives. As part of a network, First Church would likely have a high degree of independence–which has both pros and cons.
Could we be part of a denomination AND part of a network? Yes.
What networks are we considering? Currently, we are exploring Ascent Movement and Sanctification Project. Both are new networks that are not fully developed. You can learn more about Ascent at ascentmovement.org. It is a small, ecumenical network of people from around the country that originated with the Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV) and is seeking to re-engage and re-evangelize North America with the gospel. The Sanctification Project does not have a website. It originated during the pandemic with a group of 8 UMC pastors in Florida who sought to deepen discipleship in their churches by holding each other accountable. With many churches disaffiliating from the UMC, the Sanctification Project is expecting to grow significantly. Although we are only aware of 2 networks that might be a good fit for First Church, we believe that this is a season in church life when new networks are likely to form. Thus, we are open to discovering and exploring other networks that might become an affiliation partner for First Church.
Questions? To learn more about Ascent Movement or Sanctification Project, contact Ben Conrad at [email protected]. If you have questions or input about the affiliation process, please contact a member of Lead Council.
MARCH 28, 2023
What denominations are we considering? There are a lot of denominations in the US. So, as we look to the future for First Church, there are at least 200 potential denominational partners from which we could choose. We have also been gathering information about network partnerships, which are distinct from denominations. Whereas denominations tend to be larger organizations with a greater level of investment and commitment from the local church in various ways, a network tends to be a smaller, more ecumenical association of church partners. Joining a network holds significantly different implications, and we will plan to communicate more on those in future emails.
Obviously, we had to limit the possibilities as we began exploring options. During the last several weeks, Ben Conrad has been researching denominations and holding conversations with denominational representatives. We wanted to not only “get the facts,” but also “get the feel” of different denominations so that we could bring you as accurate and complete a perspective as possible. We have been exploring denominations that we believe would be compatible with the culture of First Church. Since we have a Wesleyan heritage, the denominations that we considered have Wesleyan roots. They include: Global Methodist Church, Wesleyan Church, Free Methodist Church, and Brethren in Christ Church. If you are interested in learning details about these denominations, here is a chart that Ben helped create that gives an overview of these denominations. The chart provides information that we heard in the Listening Sessions was important to you—things like pastoral appointment process, property ownership, shares of ministry cost, importance of biblical authority, and stance on the leadership of women.
What is next? We are offering this update to you because we want to share information as it becomes available. A future email is planned with information about possible network partners. At some point we also expect to hold additional listening sessions so that you can learn even more about affiliation options, ask questions, and offer your input. However, we do not have a timeline yet for scheduling these listening sessions. We continue to feel that the counsel so many of you offered to “take our time” is wise and needed. We don’t think we are ready to take any steps right now toward choosing an affiliation partner. If you have questions about the process, please reach out to a member of Lead Council. For more information about the denominational information chart, be in touch with Ben Conrad at [email protected].
MARCH 14, 2023
Update on Disaffiliation Timeline | You may remember that First Church’s decision must be ratified by the Susquehanna Annual Conference when it meets May 18-20 and then administrative work must be done to put this decision into effect. Thus, we expect that First Church will no longer be a United Methodist Congregation at some point in June 2023. To prepare for this change, staff and Lead Council have been learning about possible affiliation partners.
Many of you have shared your perspective that “We need to take our time” in choosing an affiliation partner. Please know that your voice is heard in this regard and we are finding that this is wise counsel. While there are many possible denominations and networks we could join, we have not yet discerned one that is obviously the right choice for First Church. While we see great value in affiliating with a denomination and/or network for the long-term health of First Church, we agree that choosing a new affiliation partner is a very important decision that should not be rushed. This is a significant time of change for many churches, and we believe that it will be in the best interest of First Church to allow some time for the “dust to settle” and for things to take shape. We don’t yet know how much time we will need to present you with clear and complete information about some possible affiliation partners, but we don’t expect that we will be ready to take a vote regarding affiliation before June, 2023. Because we don’t expect to have significant news to share on a regular basis this spring, the “Moving Forward” weekly emails will become less regular and news will be shared as it develops.
Reminder about Charge Conference | A Charge Conference will be held Thursday, March 16 at 6:00 pm in the FUSEBox. The purpose of the Charge Conference is to seek approval of a line of credit to be used to cover disaffiliation costs from the United Methodist Church and a legal change that removes the words “United Methodist” from our articles of incorporation. All members of First Church are welcome to attend the Charge Conference. Since the issues being decided are straightforward, a Charge Conference (not a Church Conference) is being convened. Only members of Lead Council have voting privileges at a Charge Conference. For more information about the issues being considered, see last week’s email in the archives.
MARCH 7, 2023
Reminder about Charge Conference | A Charge Conference will be held Thursday, March 16 at 6:00 pm in the fusebox. The purpose of the Charge Conference is to seek approval of a line of credit to be used to cover disaffiliation costs from the United Methodist Church and a legal change that removes the words “United Methodist” from our articles of incorporation. All members of First Church are welcome to attend the Charge Conference. Since the issues being decided are straightforward, a Charge Conference (not a Church Conference) is being convened. Only members of Lead Council have voting privileges at a Charge Conference. For more information about the issues being considered, see last week’s email in the archives.
Blessings in the Wilderness | In some ways, this time of disaffiliation is a wilderness season. We are having hard conversations and are seeking to move forward, but there are so many unknowns. Typically, churches see decline during a wilderness time or a time of significant transition. And yet, last month First Church saw inspiring signs of new life. We thank God for 11 Baptisms, 14 Confirmands, and 9 new members this February. Worship attendance in February was up 42% over last year. As we continue moving forward, we hope that you are encouraged by these signs of growth and vitality. God is faithful. Together, may we continue to “Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.”
FEBRUARY 28, 2023
It’s time to take some next steps. After the overwhelming vote favoring disaffiliation on January 17, Shelly Dincher immediately began the administrative work that is required for this decision to become effective. Some of the work Shelly has done now needs to be approved by a Charge Conference.
Line of Credit | As you may know, First Church must pay $879,189 to leave the United Methodist Church. A large part of this cost is related to purchasing our buildings from the Conference. The Finance Team unanimously agrees that the wisest course of action is to take out a $1,000,000 line of credit. Not only is this course of action providing the lowest interest rate of available options, the church only has to pay interest rates on outstanding funds. Although we have funds in the endowment, financial professionals whom we have consulted do not think it is a good idea to liquidate any of our assets to pay these costs.
Articles of Incorporation | Once we have disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church, we will need new articles of incorporation. Shelly has been working with our attorney on this. We need to remove the words “United Methodist” from this document. In light of this reality, First Church will go by the name of “First Church Williamsport,” rather than “First United Methodist Church of Williamsport.” This is already how the community knows and refers to the church.
Why are we having a Charge Conference? The Book of Discipline requires that we hold a Charge Conference to secure a line of credit and to amend our articles of incorporation. A Charge Conference is different from a Church Conference. In January, we held a Church Conference, and every member of the church was given the opportunity to vote. A Charge Conference is composed of the members of the Lead Council. Only Lead Council members are given the opportunity to vote. You are welcome to attend the Charge Conference, but be aware that only Lead Council members will be able to vote. In this instance, a charge conference is being utilized for simplicity sake because the matters that need to be voted on are so straight forward. When the time comes for more significant decisions to be made—such as who might First Church partner with in the future–a church conference will be held for this decision and all members of First Church will have the opportunity to vote.
What are the votes that will be taken at Charge Conference?
- Do you authorize First Church to secure a $1,000,000 line of credit for the purpose of paying the Susquehanna Conference disaffiliation costs?
Do you accept amending the First Church Articles of Incorporation by removing the words “United Methodist?” - What should I do if I want more information or have input I want to share? Contact Shelly Dincher if you want more information about the line of credit or changes in our articles of incorporation. If you have input or concerns about these issues, please contact a member of the Lead Council (a list of Lead Council members is available in the archives and on the church website).
The Charge Conference will be held on Thursday, March 16, at 6:00 PM in the fusebox (located in our First Evangelical Center campus, at 604 Market St).
FEBRUARY 21, 2023
What affiliation partners are we considering? We are considering both denominations and networks as possible affiliation partners. Denominations tend to be more established, more structured and often offer more resources. Currently, many networks are emerging as alternatives to denominations. Networks tend to be smaller and perhaps more relational, more nimble and more diverse. As we are considering affiliation partners, we are using the criteria that have been communicated in previous Moving Forward emails. Based on your input and conversations with both staff and Lead Council, we also are beginning to identify deal-breakers. For example, we believe that an affiliation partner that does not embrace women in leadership would not be a good fit for First Church. Also, we do not wish to partner with a denomination that requires a trust clause. (A trust clause means that First Church property is held in trust by the denomination and not owned by First Church.)
What is the timeline for finding a new affiliation partner? Many of you have urged us to take our time because this is a very important decision. We appreciate your wise counsel. Ben Conrad is currently spending significant time not only researching possible affiliation partners, but also scheduling personal conversations with denominational and network leaders so that we can hear directly from leaders and get specifics about what it would mean for First Church to be affiliated. Ben is working and communicating with our Lead Council to help us make progress, but it is apparent that the possibilities are numerous and complex. So, the short answer to How long is this going to take? is We don’t know. We are trusting in God’s timing and will share with you as real possibilities for partnership emerge. We are seeking to be both faithful to doing everything we can to allow First Church to move forward and patient to trust that God will guide the process. Moving Forward emails will continue to provide updates as progress is made.
FEBRUARY 14, 2023
This is the second email update about progress in discerning the future of First Church. These emails are intended to provide a level of transparency and to give you information so that you are aware of progress, can offer input in the process with your voice, and can make informed decisions when the time comes.
- Communication Update: These emails are available to you here if you want to review previous information that was shared. If you hear of someone who considers First Church to be “my church,” but who is not receiving these emails, ask them to check their Junk or Spam folder. All members and those who consider First Church to be their church should be receiving these email updates, if the church office has an email address.
- Lead Council Update: The Lead Council will be meeting at least monthly to address the many issues and decisions that are related to disaffiliation and affiliation. Please reach out to a Lead Council member if you have questions or input. The members of the Lead Council are: Dave Hertwig (Chair), Todd Fausnaught, Steve Bair, Julie Chilson, Michelle Dixon, Sue Johnson, Caleb Robbins, and Ashley Schwanbeck. Also, minutes of Lead Council meetings are available in the Church Office.
- Topics Related To Future Discernment: Based upon all the feedback given, we are beginning work on exploring potential future denominational or network partners. As this work is being done, the primary criteria for evaluating potential partners have been simplified. The criteria are: theology, vitality, empowerment, and finances/property. You can read more about these criteria by reading the first email sent out on February 7, 2023, below.
FEBRUARY 7, 2023
As we move forward and discern the future of First Church, we want to stay in touch with members and those who consider First Church to be “your church.” So, we plan to send out regular emails (as often as weekly but at least monthly) with updates about the disaffiliation/affiliation process. We have heard from many of you that you want to offer your voice as the future is discerned. These emails are intended to give you information so that you are aware of progress, can offer input in the process, and can make informed decisions when the time comes.
- Feedback from Listening Session – About 70 people gathered on Sunday, February 5, to offer input and ask questions. We are aware that there were some technical glitches with the Zoom option for participation and apologize for any difficulty you may have experienced. If you have questions or input that you were unable to offer on Sunday, please email them to [email protected]. As we are discerning future possible denominational or network affiliations, the primary categories that we are considering are as follows:
1) Theology: Biblically-based theological positions which are drawn from or hospitable to the Wesleyan background of First Church.
2) Vitality: Signs of a healthy denominational standing, which First Church would perceive through characteristics such as honest, transparent communication, numerically stable or increasing in membership, and a culture of nurturing leadership and holding leadership accountable, both in the local churches and in the denominational positions.
3) Empowerment: A desire for First Church to be equipped and empowered to do ministry in partnership with the denomination while holding a degree of autonomy. Empower First Church to continue many of the ministries we currently live into in order to make a difference for our community.
4) Finances and Property: Reasonable financial commitment from First Church to support the denomination for the purposes of wider Kingdom vitality. First Church would own its property (no trust clause).
- Pastoral Appointment Update: After the vote on Jan 17, both Pastor Matt and Pastor Janet notified the Susquehanna Annual Conference that they wish to withdraw from the Conference and will not seek another appointment when this appointment year ends in June. Both Pastor Matt and Pastor Janet intend to remain pastors at First Church as we move forward. Since both of our pastors are ordained (and ordination is for life), they will not lose their ordination when they leave the United Methodist Church, but withdrawing is a very significant ending. We are grateful for your prayers for all the transitions that we are facing.
- Other Progress to Report
- We have secured an attorney to help us with legal matters.
- We have identified a new name for the church. After disaffiliation is finalized, we will no longer be able to use “United Methodist” in our name. Thus, we will use the name “First Church Williamsport” for all official matters. Our community knows us as “First Church,” so we expect that this transition should be very smooth.
What can I do?
- Join the prayer team led by Ashley Schwanbeck. Contact [email protected] to be put in touch with Ashley. Daily email prayer requests are being sent out.
- Share your feedback and ask your questions by emailing [email protected]
Contact: Church Office | 570-322-3572